Thursday, March 19, 2009

UBP: 2009 Party Time!

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

It's time, again, for 5 Minutes for Mom's Ultimate Blog Party. Please, come in and pull up a chair. My name is Julie, and I'm your hostess today.

You can find out more about me here. But in a nutshell: I'm a full time working mom of 3 kids. My husband and I have been married for 22 years. We serve as marriage mentors, and I'm heading our our church's women's ministry. I love to read, and lately I've had the opportunity to write reviews on some of the books. I have quite a few in a pile to read and review over the next few months. I've done a few other product reviews, but mostly I blog for fun. You can read my blogging journey here.

Those beautiful kiddos on the header, yep. They are mine! One was adopted, two were by birth, and all are really mine! That is where the Mom 2 ways comes in. (from right to left):
  • Munchie (3, pre-K, all boy!) Short for munchkin. Loves Pomas (Thomas) the Tank Engine
  • Crunchy (5, K, princess/wrestler)Love to sing, dance and tell stories
  • Chewie (11, 5th grade, explorer) Loves science, Mythbusters, and video games
In case you are wondering, those are not their real names! :) I decided a couple of years ago that if I'm going to talk about my kids, I should probably at least partially hide their identity! :)

My husband, John (and that is his real name---his and half the country's!) is a stay at home Daddy who occasionally works as a computer network technician. He has two blogs: Every Daddy's Princess and Macs4Missions.
If you look closely at the picture, you will see evidence of his techno-geekness (is that a word?) His Mac Mini with 2 flat panel monitors (one is out of the picture); the Wii; the assortment of audio and visual components, the Star Trek: The Experience pictures, and the 50 inch plasma TV that replaces the 47 inch LCD TV I broke with the Wii-mote. didn't hear that story? I wrote about that in He Loves Me More and Restoration.

Right now (hurry before you forget!) add me to your favorites or follow my blog! You don't want to miss all the exciting stuff I've got in store! (Plus, I need to feel the love! :) )
There are all kinds of cool prizes! Here are some of my choices! (These are all from the US list.)

58 – Kitchen Aid Artisan Stand Mixer (from Moms Who Think)
42 — 5 kajeet phones (from kajeet)
53 – Signing Time Parent (from Two Little Hands Productions)
1 — $100 gift certificate to either Pedal Cars and Retro or A Rocking Horse To Love
Provided by: 5 Minutes for Mom

Any of these gift certificates would be great!
19, 21, 22, 26, 91, 113, 68

Here are some other favorites!
5, 40 , 49 , 60 , 95 , 103, 106 , 114 , 72, 134

Okay, so I went back and looked at the US and Canada List and found more!
1, 8, 27, 32, 76
Head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom and join the fun!


Jennifer Nordin, LMT, CPT said...

Hi Julie, my name is Jen. I am partying with 5M4M too! My prize is #11, hope you will check it out.
Have fun! :)

Lisa Samples said...

Stopping by to say hello! Great party...stop by for your chance to win my door prize.

April said...

Just going from party to party to see how others are doing this blogging thing.
My prize is #115 check it out!
Have a good weekend

Happy Hermit ( said...

I absolutely love your scrolling award !!

Have a wonderful Party Day!!

Tamara B. said...

Love blog parties where I get to meet so many wonderful people.

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie! Nice to meet you! Party on! Sorry, it's just the old hippie in me coming to the surface. hehe

Janet said...

I need to change my blog to Mom of Five! I used to call myself Little Women" when I had four. lol

Happy UBP! Happy TGIF!
Come for a visit! Got contests too.

Sara said...

Great to meet you :)

My UBP 09 prize offering is INT #36. Be sure to visit my blogs for a chance to win one of 5+ other prizes I will be giving away!

The Captive Mommy
Sara*s Pixel Studio


StacieinAtlanta said...

Hi Julie,

I am stopping by from The Ultimate Blog Party to check your blog out and drop you on Entrecard. What a great week we are in for!

Check out my place for your chance to win a LeapFrog Tag Reading System. :)

The Divine Miss Mommy

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

hi julie! it's nice to see faces behind this blog that i frequently drop my EC and of course,I'm also here for the party! :)

Anonymous said...

Hello! Poppin' in from The Ultimate Blog Party...all the way from Queensland, Australia! G'Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.

Thanks for sharing the link for Macs for Missions. That is very cool. I was a missionary teacher with New Tribes Missions before I married two years ago. Such a huge blessing!


CC said...

Wow Julie, we have a TON in common!

adoption, special ed, full-time work, SAHD husbands, computer geek husbands, CA natives, Jesus-loving, etc. etc. etc.

thanks so much for your super kind words on my blog!!

and I didn't realize that one of the prizes offered was a Kitchen Aid mixer... too bad I have two of them right now!

Monica said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed visiting here. You have adorable children!

Linda said...

Hi. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's nice to meet you!

Unknown said...

Nice to meet you! I just subscribed and became a follower! Love your blog.
I would like to invite you to link up at Show off your blog Saturday. I would love to read your favorite post!

Pami said...

nice to meet you, love your blog..
Happy UBP 2009

Jolyn said...

My 4yo LOVES Thomas, too! Did you know ToysRUs has a coupon online for a free Thomas engine? Just today and tomorrow, so get it quick!
I hope you can find time to stop by my blog again!

Lisa Samples said...

Thought I would come back and become a follower of your blog! Thanks again, Lisa

vera said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by - it's SO nice to meet you!

Super Fun Mama said...

Hi, stopping by all the blogs in the party that I can get to. It's very nice to meet you and your blog! With how many blogs in the party right now, that is 254 blogs per day for 4 days! Wow!

Frugal New England Kitchen said...

Hi Julie!
Visiting from both EC & OBP09! I've donated a prize too, so I hope you check it out!

Visit all 3 of my blogs ~ I'm serving up goodies!

Relishing Life said...

Just dropping by to say "hi!" Great party!

Mozi Esme said...

Nice to meet you, Julie! Thomas the Train ranks big here, too...

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie. My first time at the UBP. I can see from your blog you have your hands full. My son (middle child, 4yo) is sooo boy also. He's sandwiched between 2 sisters LOL. Thanks for visiting.

Miss Blondie said...

I love your blog!! The colors are great! Thanks for stopping by my party!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming to my party and make sure to come back as I will be giving away door prizes. Also, my prize is INTL #71.

Have fun!!

Jenn said...

It's a great party! I think everyone wants the Kitchen Aid Mixer! I'm drooling over it!

Kati said...

Very nice to meet you! Happy UBP 2009!!!

Skoots1moM said...

great blog!!
party jumpin...

LunaMoonbeam said...

Have a great UBP '09!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Nice to meet you!

Beth in NC said...

Hi Julie,

Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I am going to follow you to stay in touch. I hope you'll follow me too and keep up with my silliness.

You have some precious children in that header! What a blessing!

Many blessings!

UnfinishedMom said...

Hey. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm enjoying my visit.

Leigh said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog party!

ginger said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my lil' blog & for your sweet comment. And your kids? Adorable! :)

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Darling blog, Julie! Thanks for stopping by mine.

Blessings and peace to you in the journey. Keep to it, sweet sister.


Rebecca said...

how funny! we call our 3 yo "munchie" as well! she's all girl though.
thanks for stopping by!

Megan said...

Hi there Julie,

Just wanted to stop by, say hi, and thank you for visiting my blog. I too am married to a "computer geek". I'm just waiting for the Wii remote to break one of our t.v.'s!

L said...

Over from UBP.. thanks for stopping by my blog! :) Funny how we have 2 things in common.. adoption and preemies!

Beeb said...

Hi Julie! Thanks for stopping by my party - what fun! :)

Little Bug Moments said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, it's great to meet you and have fun with the party!

Anonymous said...

love your blog, and thanks for the comments at my blog

donnas said...

Great post. Visiting from the blog party.

LaVonne said...

Well hello former Ms Long, nice to meet you :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Come by anytime. I actually can't wait to see what your hubby blogs about.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I have enjoyed my visit to yours.
I have been a BLOG READER for several years, but only in the last couple of months have began to blog. ]
I love it and all my new friends. Come by again soon.

I am planning another grandparent Disney trip right now. It is the happiest place on earth. And even happier when the kids and grandkids are along.


Katie said...

Coming by to say hi and thanks for your compliment on my UBP 09 post. Used to live in Santa Fe, north of you in Roswell; meant to get down for the UFO event - when all the natives probably want to leave - but never made it while living there. I sure do miss the blue sky and the mountains.

In That Moment... said...

Thanks for stopping by my new blog! Since you are in women's ministry do you have some good suggestions for a women's Bible study. The girls in my Sunday School class want to start one! Thanks for your help.

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from the Ultimate blog party

Sheila said...

Hey thanks for visiting my blog! You have a beautiful famiiy!
Have a great weeekend!

Frantic Holly said...

It's great to meet you! What a wonderful blog. Hope you have a wonderful bloggy party!

Mel said...

Happy partying!! Thanks so much for visiting over at my place. You're kids are too darn cute. Have a great day!!

My Trendy Tykes said...

Hello, it's nice to meet you. I hope you are enjoying the blog party.


Anonymous said...

Hello Julie :)

Would love to see your blog at

Happy Blog party-ing !
AKA Her Media
AKA The almost always organized mom

Jen @ JenuineJen said...

Thanks for hosting a blog party. You painted an interesting picture of your life and I look forward to checking your blog out again to learn more about you. It is nice to find some other couples who have been married for more than 10 years. A lot of the people in the blogs I have visited during the party have been married less than 10 years. My husband and I will celebrate our 17th anniversary in a few months. It is great you are marriage mentors to help couples just starting out.

Heidi said...

Just stopping by to say hello! Thanks for the visit to my blog. Nice "meeting" you!

April E. said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I admire those who adopt. One of my sisters is adopted, so my Mom is also a "Mom 2 ways". I'm a sister 2 ways, I guess. :)

April E.

monica said...

hi, Julie! nice to meet you. have a great time at the blog party

Cher said...

Love your site!

I have given you an award!

A Lev said...

Awesome blog - your kids are gorgeous, perfect names!! Thanks for having me over to your party!

Felicia said...

Thanks for stopping by today!! So nice to find out more about you!

Oonie said...

Hi Julie! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed visiting yours and will look forward to stopping by again!

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

I love your nicknames for you kids!! Glad you clarified they weren't the real names... that would be silly huh?

You can visit my party HERE!


janetfaye said...

Hi from UBP 2009!

It is nice to meet you!

ConnieFoggles said...

Happy UBP! Great meeting you and learning about you and your family. Enjoy the rest of this week's party fun. Hope you win a prize! I'm having a giveaway a day at my blog for the week. Stop on over for a visit.

Connie's View

Unknown said...

Loved learning more about you! Thanks so much for stopping by earlier. Let's not be strangers!

Heather said...

Thanks for stopping by for the UBP 09! Your kids are cute!

Smellyann said...

Hi Julie, nice to meet you and your sweet family! :) Happy UBP!

Anonymous said...

Partying with UBP. I think it's amazing that you and your husband serve as marriage mentors. There are so many great relationships that just need help to get back on the right track. I'm sure you've made a positive difference in a lot of people's lives.

Moore Minutes said...

Way to go being married for 22 years!! yea :) I'm here with the party by the way!

Night Owl Mama said...

hi blogg hopping and wanted to say great blog. Luv the about me. your children are beautiful

Anonymous said...

Wanted to stop by and say Hi, visting from the Blog Party!

Anonymous said...

I too am a Mommy two ways! My kiddos are all grown, and I now enjoy being a Gram but so thankful to have enjoyed each of my children. Thanks for sharing your journey. I love this party!

Mrs. Nichole J. said...

Love your blog!
Came in off UBP09!

Keep it up!

Denise Nielsen said...

Glad you visited my blog, and I've enjoyed visiting yours - all 4 of them! You're truly an inspiration!

Brimful Curiosities said...

Here for the party!! Nice to meet you and now I understand your blog's name! Happy blogging.

Natalie said...

Hi, Julie! I've been visiting your blog through Entrecard and when I saw it on the 5M4M blog party list, I had to stop by and say hello! There are so many great blogs that I thought visiting some of my regular droppers/droppees would be a good place to start. It's nice to learn some things about the people behind the blogs I read. Feel free to stop by my blog and learn a little about me, too!

~ Natalie (The Kummer Family Circus)

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

Hi Julie! So nice to meet you and your beautiful family. It sounds like you have a busy and full life!
Just blog hopping in through the party link list.
Stop in on my party if you've got a minute!

Anonymous said...

Swinging by from the UBP. You sure have a bunch of blogs, lol. I've visited each of them :)

Sab said...

Hi, and thanks for popping in at my blog! Nice place you've got here! :)

I agree with Happy Hermit, your scrolling award really caught my eye! Nice!

LV said...

I'm doing some UBPing and saw your blog so I thought I would stop in and say Hi!

lace said...

Thanks for stopping by Julie. Loved learning about your blog and your family

Yummy Boy Mummy said...

Stopping by via the UBP! Nice to meet you! :)

katylinvw said...

great party! nice to meet you! :)

the great adventure

Shannah said...

Hey there! Just dropping by to work the room at the UBP! Lovely blog and gorgeous kids!

Good luck on the Potty Train. That ride can really suck....and it's not like you can just get off at the next stop. Sending lots of good joojoo your way on that one.

Come by and visit my place if you have time and check out my Etsy store. I have some really fantastic flashcards that would be wonderful for your little one. Ha! And they actually came about as a means to keep my munchkin on the potty long enough to potty train, so you might give them a whirl. If you are interested, email me and mention UBP and I'll give you a 15% discount.

Shannah at The Flashcard Zoo

Irene said...

Hi Julie,

Stopping by from the party! Are you having a good time, hehe??

Party on (oh's almost over!)!

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie,

Great website, found you through UBP 2009.

Please come by, Passionate for Life and tell us what you are passionate about and you may win a luxury Lollia candle.

WiJoyMom said...

Hi, found you through the party. Thanks for being a part of it.

Michelle said...

WHOA! 91 comments! that's insane. I was so proud I almost had 20 and started thinking that that was just too many. Women should stop comparing themselves...LOL>

thanks for commenting on my blog for the UBP. I'm entering your contests!

Maria said...

hi there!! just stopping by to say HOLA and what a great site!!! take care and GOD BLESS!!

Unknown said...

Hi-thanks for this fun blog-you and your hubby sound like neat folk to hang with! Come visit me soon:)

Anonymous said...

I am enjoying your blog! It's nice to "meet" you!