I notice my son...a bright young man, who has taught me more than I ever thought he can...and I have grown up as he has grown up, and what a joy he has been all these days of my life!
I will give notice to my SIL who is now my best friend. A real friend whom I can really lay it all out too and she in turns me. She , I must thank God for.
I "noticed" my mother's unselfish and totally loving ways. Although I'm not nearly as kind or forgiving as her, I try to use her example as a way to live my life.
Right now it would be my mom because without complaining she has been helping me with my super colicy baby girl. I could not do it without her.
My hubby has been the best inspiration to me.
My grandmother was always an inspiration to me. She was able to tackle and succeed and whatever she tried.
My Mom is my inspiration.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I notice my friend, Tami. She taught a wonderful lesson in Sunday school today.
I notice my son...a bright young man, who has taught me more than I ever thought he can...and I have grown up as he has grown up, and what a joy he has been all these days of my life!
I will give notice to my SIL who is now my best friend. A real friend whom I can really lay it all out too and she in turns me. She , I must thank God for.
I "noticed" my mother's unselfish and totally loving ways. Although I'm not nearly as kind or forgiving as her, I try to use her example as a way to live my life.
I love to read and would love to have this book. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
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