Friday, February 17, 2006

19 years---and counting

Last Tuesday (Valentine's Day), John and I celebrated 19 years of marriage. We've had our ups and downs, but I am so honored to be his wife for all these years. We've known better (good jobs, adoption, birth of 2 kids) and worse (infertility, job loss); richer (successful business) and poorer (unemployment, student loans); sickness (migraines, fibromyalgia, etc) and health. But we are together 'til "death do us part".

I had the opportunity to go to a training for work on Thursday in Albuquerque (3 hours away). My in-laws kept the two big kids, and John, Munchie and I went up on Wednesday night. I took Friday as a personal day. Wednesday we spent the evening with some friends of ours who moved to Albuquerque. Last night it was just us. It was great to get away--even if just for a couple of days---to celebrate our 19 years of marriage!

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