Saturday, March 06, 2010

Zippity Doo Review and Giveaway

There are lots of things we, as parents, have to deal with that are not pleasant: runny (or bloody) noses; dirty diapers; puke; and potty training accidents. We clean these up because we love our kids (and because nobody else will do it!) One thing that get to even the strongest of moms is head lice. (Okay...raise your hand if your head started itching when you read that last sentence!) Even the thought of lice makes most of our skin crawl.

I have been fortunate to not have the experience of "de-lousing" (is that the word?) my kids. But one time in high school, I had been working with kids and got a bad case. Not fun. At all.

Now there is a product that claims to PREVENT the problem in the first place. I am all for preventing. Zippity Doo's sent me their line of children's haircare and surface prevention products to try out. Now, I am all for giving products a test drive for my readers, but I won't be testing the product completely with my kids. I mean, I am not going to intentionally expose them to lice to see if it works. If you win, you can try that out yourself!

Zippity Doo's is
mild and safe enough to use every day, and it provides natural gentle prevention instead of harsh treatments.

The full line includes 2 products for bath time: Zippity Doo’s™Shampoo and Zippity Doo’s™ Conditioner as first line of defense against lice and other insects; 2 products to use in the morning:Zippity Doo’s™ Leave-In Detangler or Zippity Doo’s™ Styling Gel for an added and fresh layer of lice prevention before the kids head off to school or camp; and Zippity Doo’s™ Shield Spray on all surfaces, including hats, helmets, backpacks, pillows, bedding, toys, combs, clips, berets and other items and hair accessories that may harbor lice, nits and other insects.shampooconditionerdetanglershield sprayGel

Would you like a chance to win a set?
Leave a comment. (As long as it is nice!)

Extra entries (leave a comment for each entry):
* Follow my blog on Google connect, Networked Blogs, through a reader, or subscribe to my feed (1 entry each)
* Follow me on Twitter (1 entry)
* Tweet the giveaway (1 time per day)
* Enter contest on a giveaway linky (1 for each linky)
* Join Swagbucks (with this link)
* Become a Facebook fan of Zippity Doos
* Follow Zippity Doos on Twitter
* Vote for me Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

Open to US residents. Ends March 22nd.


Sara @ Embracing Destiny said...

Great blog!

Thanks for the review & giveaway.

Sara @ Embracing Destiny said...

I'm a follower.

Set Apart Living Mama said...

I like this giveaway!

Set Apart Living Mama said...

I follow on twitter Im @wellnessmommie

Molly C. said...

With 5 boys, and a baby girl who will be here very soon, we would definately use this prize!

mcapel4444 at

Molly C. said...

I'm a follower on google friends
mcapel4444 at

Molly C. said...

Following on Twitter

Unknown said...

hi my daughter just got over having lice and we would love to try this to prevent it from coming back ! thanks

Tracey said...

This is a product whose time has come. All shampoos and conditioners should contain ingredients to prevent head lice.

vboackle said...

this would be great for my grandkids.

Sarah G. said...

My daughter has a mop of hair that would appreciate these products.

Nicole C. said...

I would love a chance to win this.


mogrill said...

Great giveaway!! My daughter would benefit from this line. Thanks for the chance.

AEKZ2 said...

I've never heard of this brand but I'd love to try it.

AEKZ2 said...

I subscribe through google reader.

AEKZ2 said...

Google friend follower.

Happi Shopr said...

Great review! I'd love to win for my niece. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Happi Shopr said...

Follow via GFC. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

jandsfox_143 said...

I would love to try these products!

ReggieMann said...

Sounds like a great product - would like to try it for my niece

ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com

ReggieMann said...

Fan of Zippity Doo's Hair Care Prevention on Facebook
(Facebook name: Reggie Mann)

ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful give a way!

dispatcher_kristy said...

My neices need this. Seems like each year their school has an outbreak

dispatcher_kristy said...

google follower

dispatcher_kristy said...

follow you on twitter- mommy_to_2_chis

dispatcher_kristy said...

Facebook fan of Zippity Doos- Kristy Marie

dispatcher_kristy said...

Follow Zippity Doos on Twitter- mommy_to_2_chis

dispatcher_kristy said...


fancyfeet48 said...

I would really love to win this Thank You for this great giveaway

Heather said...

I'd love to win! My son could really use this stuff :)

rsbryswrrl at gmail dot com

Jodi said...

sounds like a great product. Thanks for the chance.


susan1215 said...

I'd love to try these

Melissa B. said...

They sound like wonderful products.

Maja said...

cool prize

Maja said...

google connect follower

Lisa Garner said...

With 3 school age children I would love to try these products!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said...

I'm following you on Networked blogs user Lisa Garner.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said...

I'm following you on Twitter user lisalmg.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said...

I Tweeted this giveaway.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said...

I'm a fan on Zippity Doo's on Facebook user Lisa Garner.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said...

I'm following ZippityDoos on Twitter user lisalmg.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

lilyk said...

I love your blog. Keep up the good work. =0)

lilyk said...

I became a Facebook fan of Zippity Doos.