Monday, March 08, 2010

Children Count Too!

My husband is working for the census--again. Last year, he walked neighbors and drove our Suburban through some remote areas (thank God for 4 wheel drive!) to verify addresses. Since the census is only done every 10 years, lots of things change. I know that in the 6 years we've been in our house, there have been at least a dozen new homes built within 1/2 a mile of us.

This year, he is an assistant crew leader (to a crew leader who is less than half his age and didn't work the census last year!). They are delivering census forms to people in outlying (not city) areas.

I learned a few interesting things. John cannot reveal (even to me!) exactly where he goes, who he talks to, or what they tell him---for 85 years! He can't even be subpoenaed to testify until that time. Now, I hope my husband lives a long time, but I really doubt he will make it to 129 years of age! (And if he does, I don't think he will make a very good witness then!)

In our area, as well as many others, one concern is getting everyone --whether they are here legally or not--be counted. There are many things that will be effected by the census. Our city (Roswell, NM) is trying to reach 50,000 people which will open up a lot of federal money for us. (Not to mention new stores that will consider coming to town!)

Every child loves a good game of hide and seek. There are the fun butterflies they get in their tummies when they're waiting to be discovered and the pride they feel when they're able to count to ten and then yelling, "Ready or not, here I come!"

But children who are hidden from the U.S. Census counts (taken only once every 10 years) are not a laughing matter. So, ready or not, here comes 2010 Census ... and you have an important role to play!

Many parents may not realize the importance of accurately reporting the number of children in their family, including newborns.
The truth is that the undercount of children means that we do not get a true picture of our nation and our communities do not get their rightful share of public funds.

Why Children Count Too

Children have been undercounted in every census since the first one in 1790. Local communities rely on census information in planning for schools, child care, health and other critical services. Babies need to be counted today, so they can benefit tomorrow from community services.

Census counts are used, in whole or in part, for more than 140 programs that distribute more than $400 billion of federal funds to states and localities, including such child-focused programs as:
  • Special Education Grants to states ($10.8 billion)
  • Head Start ($6.9 billion)
  • State Children's Health Insurance Program ($5.9 billion)
  • Foster Care Title IV-E ($4.7 billion)
  • Improving Teacher Quality State Grants ($2.9 billion)

Unlike adults, who may bear some responsibility for making sure they are counted in the Census, children are dependent on others to make sure they are included. Yet in 1980, 1990, and 2000, Census Bureau data show children, particularly young children, are one of the groups most likely to be missed in the Census. In fact, in the 2000 Census, there was a net undercount of more than 1 million children under age 10.

When playing hide and seek your children have the opportunity to be found after ten seconds.

The Census only comes around every ten years. So when you receive your Census form in mid-March, make sure your child (no matter how old) is counted!

This post was part of Global Influence's program working with 2010 Census to help spread this important message. My post was not compensated.

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