Sunday, July 05, 2009

Proud American Christian

I am proud to be an American. I thank God for the freedoms we have been given. I am thankful for the men and women who have given their lives to keep our freedoms alive. I am thankful for the men and women who are defending our freedom even now: my brother-in-law Mike who is in his 4th tour in the desert; my friend Lisa who is an army chaplain currently in Kuwait; and my buddy Kelly who takes care of her 3 children while her husband is deployed (again) Thank you (and all the others) for yousacrifices.

On of my favorite freedoms is the freedom of religon. I am thankful that I am free to worship God openly. And I am thankful that my church shares my love of God and country. Every patriotic holiday (Memorial Day; Veteran's Day; and Independence Day) we sing at least one patriotic song and our military is honored. And every week in our bulletin is a prayer list specically for our military--listed by name.

Today was no exception. We sang America the Beautiful and The Battle Hymn of the Republic--all of the verses. During the Battle Hymn a former Marine posted Colors. Quietly, the congregation rose to their feet in salute.

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